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Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a diseased part or an illness.

It aims to use the body’s own healing mechanisms to correct the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms in the first place. 

Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, founded homeopathy.  This medical system uses “the law of similars” (like cures like) or similars to cure similars.  The remedy matches the inner state of the individual.

Homeopathy recognizes that each person expresses illness through symptoms displayed in the mental, emotional, and physical areas.  These symptoms are used in totality, meaning the person is seen as a whole and all the symptoms are seen in total as one disease.  The symptoms are used to choose a homeopathic remedy which has been found to evoke those same symptoms in a healthy person. 
This medicine recognizes that each person expresses illness or imbalance through symptoms:  mental, emotional and physical. These symptoms are used in totality to choose a homeopathic preparation of a substance which has been found to evoke those same symptoms in a healthy person. These non-suppressive, non-toxic ”remedies" can be used for acute and chronic problems of all kinds. 

You can find more information regarding homeopathy below.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Homeopathy can help strengthen the body to fight short-term illness such as colds, flus, earache, sore throats, as well as chronic conditions like asthma, depression, autism, or arthritis.

Homeopathic remedies are environmentally friendly, cruelty free, and derived from natural sources. 

Homeopathic Medicine
Woman Unloading Grocery

Affordable, over-the-counter remedies are available at natural food stores, homeopathic pharmacies, online retailers, and even some traditional grocery stores and pharmacies.

Homeopathy is a federally recognized form of medicine regulated by the FDA.

Cheerful Woman

Interested in learning more? Contact Christina!

© 2023 by Cardinal Homeopathy


Under the patronage of Archangel Raphael, patron of healing, nurses, travelers, and happy meetings. 

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